Nestled in the tranquil landscapes of Salvarpatti and Muduvarpatti, amidst the undisturbed beauty of hilly terrain sprawls the 154-acre haven known as Vishaal Swarnha Bhoomi. Far from the bustling crowd, this earthly paradise boasts lush greenery and abundant wildlife, flourishing in the rich soil of its hills and valleys. Preserving the untouched beauty of nature, these villages in Vadipatti Taluk, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India, offer a glimpse into God’s creation in its purest, unexplored form.
A vast 154-acre expanse, featuring a blend of residential areas, hillside homes, an Adventure Sports Park, and luxurious resorts.
Every unit will consist of a standalone villa-style residence, complete with dedicated car parking facilities and fully landscaped surroundings.
Development of Adventure Sports Parks ranging from 30 to 60 acres
A total of 180 plots, each ranging from 20 to 40 cents, all approved by DTCP.